Aims & Vision
Though society has changed since the foundation of the Trust, the fundamental needs of young people remain very similar. Building awareness of self and others, growing in self confidence, the ability to accurately communicate thoughts and feelings, developing skills in solving problems and working with others remain at the heart of their development. The Trust’s work is focused on young people between the ages of 5 and 25 and those who facilitate their journey to adulthood.
Lindley recognises that all young people are vulnerable and that their vulnerability can be particularly acute at important times of change, such as the move from primary to secondary school or the move into employment. We therefore seek to focus our developmental and supportive work at these key moments of transition.
We also recognise that certain groups of young people have higher levels of vulnerability, such as :
- Low attainment
- Teenage parenthood
- Emotional health concerns
- Criminal activity
- Substance misuse
Where possible we seek to use the resources of the Trust in support of these particularly vulnerable groups.
Our explicit aim is to ensure that young people, regardless of background, race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, disadvantage or disability, are provided with the tools and the confidence to reach their full potential throughout life.
Our mission is to release and empower people to develop individual strengths, create positive relationships and construct effective work systems and cultures, which add to the well being of society.
Keeping You Up To Date
Christmas Market 2024
OUR CHRISTMAS MARKET IS BACK AGAIN! Come and join us on Saturday 7th December 2024 for a wonderful day of [...]
Team Building Part 2
Team Building Part 2 - What is it for?  Picking up on my previous post’s reflections on ‘why bother [...]
Team Building – Why Bother?
Teambuilding - why bother?  In 2021 YouGov conducted a survey into employee thoughts on teambuilding exercises. The findings were [...]
Summer 2024 Activity Days at the Hollowford Centre
We are pleased to confirm that we will be running activity days for 12 - 15 year olds at the [...]