An Opportunity Missed?
The Role of Outdoor Education in the Secondary and Further Education Sector
Is it Necessary?
It is widely accepted that outdoor education makes a valuable contribution to young people’s personal and social development1. Some educational sectors have embraced this and commonly provide outdoor learning opportunities. This is often in the form of multi-day residentials for their learners at key points in their developmental journey.
What About Secondary Schools and Colleges?
My observations over a near 20-year career teaching in the (16-19) further education sector, are that outdoor education is often restricted to short one day experiences. These mainly occur at key points in the year, such as at the start of a course, or as a reward in the form of an end of term celebration.
Some providers do offer more regular opportunities such as Forest School sessions and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. These outdoor education experiences can encourage specific skills learning, such as the use of a map and compass. Unfortunately, there is often very limited time and space for personal and social development as these activities rarely take place in a residential setting over several consecutive days.
…limited time and space for personal and social development…
This approach has its merits and regular participation in outdoor learning is to be valued. However, does the limited duration of day experiences, have similar outcomes to a residential multi-day programme?
What are the Benefits of a Multi-day Outdoor Residential?
A key benefit of a longer duration multi-day residential is the opportunity for participants to learn through shared experience. They also have time and space for the development of personal and social skills.
There are many ways this can be achieved during a residential trip. The very nature of being away from the familiarity of home, living and working alongside their peers, supporting others in exciting outdoor tasks and developing increased environmental awareness, are just some examples.
Why is the Location Important?
An outdoor education-based residential provides a unique setting for young people to develop transferable life skills. Examples of challenges faced with a group of their peers include:
The above encourage teamwork, effective communication and inspire an individual to have the confidence and resilience to be outside of their comfort zone.
Residentials allow the space for these shared experiences to be reflected upon and reinforced on a continual basis to maximise the learning.
…have the confidence and resilience to be outside of their comfort zone…
What are the Barriers?
I know from my personal teaching experience that short duration outdoor education experiences do play an important role in a young person’s development and do benefit participants in the short term. Nevertheless, there are key moments in a young person’s life that are likely to be aided by multi-day personal development outdoor education-based experiences such as:
- preparing to transition from secondary school to further education study
- progressing from college into employment.
- living away from home for the first time.
The pressures of formal education study and stretched budgets are probable factors for the shortage of engagement in outdoor education residentials in the secondary and further education sectors. However, the limited offering of these experiences within the sector, does lead me inevitably to the conclusion that for many young people it is frequently, an opportunity missed.
How can Lindley help?
Outdoor education at Lindley has its roots in helping young people prepare for their working lives as a key part of early careers schemes. We have extensive experience of working with young people at all stages of education.
Are you interested in exploring the use of an outdoor education residential to facilitate the development of young people in areas such as personal, social and emotional skills, along with building a commitment to a healthy lifestyle? |
Would you like discuss the potential of using an outdoor residential to encourage behaviours consistent with truly valuing nature or supporting young people in building personal wellbeing and the confidence to thrive during the next step of their education journey?
….if the answer is yes, please get in touch to discuss how Lindley can help.
James Winning
Development Trainer
Lindley Educational Trust
01433 620377