Enquiries & Booking
Making an enquiry is easy. The best way is to contact us via our enquiry form with the information below and we’ll do the rest.
- Dates of event
- Number of people
- Group Type
- Desired outcomes from the event
- Budget (if you know)
- What you would like to have included in your bespoke event programme
Alternatively contact us.
How to Book
Following your initial contact with our Bookings Team covering activities and accommodation requirements, they will forward you a detailed quote or booking form (depending on the stage of your enquiry) detailing the dates, prices and numbers in you group.
We are happy to put dates on hold for a period of 14 days whilst you discuss the booking details.
Once a booking form has been sent to you, you have 14 days to return a signed copy confirming you have read and agree the booking details and terms and conditions. On receipt of the booking form we will forward a deposit invoice.
An invoice for the final balance will be issued on completion of your event with payment due within four weeks.
The Trust’s Bursary Fund
The aim of the Lindley Educational Trust Bursary Fund is to help young people who cannot fully afford our services/provision. It is also used to help groups that require additional support due to their particular needs. The Fund only helps those groups who are undertaking personal and social development activities with us.
To find out of your group is eligible for funding click for more information.
Keeping You Up To Date
An Opportunity Missed? The Role of Outdoor Education in the Secondary and Further Education Sector
An Opportunity Missed? The Role of Outdoor Education in the Secondary and Further Education Sector Is it Necessary? [...]
Christmas Market 2024
OUR CHRISTMAS MARKET IS BACK AGAIN! Come and join us on Saturday 7th December 2024 for a wonderful day of [...]
Team Building Part 2
Team Building Part 2 - What is it for? Picking up on my previous post’s reflections on ‘why bother [...]
Team Building – Why Bother?
Teambuilding - why bother? In 2021 YouGov conducted a survey into employee thoughts on teambuilding exercises. The findings were [...]