Values & Foundation
Our Values connect the original Christian foundation of the Trust and its governing Board, to the work done by our wonderfully talented and diverse team. We hope that all who work with us are able to share these Values.
Our Values are:
- The provision of inspiring experiences which renew the life of the individual
- Affirming the value and potential of every individual
- Raising the aspirations of young people
- The conscious aim to direct our service towards the most vulnerable members of society
- Demonstrating and promoting the values which lead to team work
- The provision of centres that promote excellence in the field of outdoor education
- Our care for and celebration of the environment
Our Values guide us in making decisions on priorities and approaches to working with young people. They translate the Christian beliefs of the Trust’s Board into something all members of the Lindley team sign up to, regardless of faith and embody the spirit of the organisation that so many who work with us comment upon.
If you wish to know more about why these are our values contact us.
Keeping You Up To Date
An Opportunity Missed? The Role of Outdoor Education in the Secondary and Further Education Sector
An Opportunity Missed?  The Role of Outdoor Education in the Secondary and Further Education Sector  Is it Necessary? [...]
Christmas Market 2024
OUR CHRISTMAS MARKET IS BACK AGAIN! Come and join us on Saturday 7th December 2024 for a wonderful day of [...]
Team Building Part 2
Team Building Part 2 - What is it for?  Picking up on my previous post’s reflections on ‘why bother [...]
Team Building – Why Bother?
Teambuilding - why bother?  In 2021 YouGov conducted a survey into employee thoughts on teambuilding exercises. The findings were [...]