Engaging Youth Projects that Challenge and Inspire young people
For over 50 years we have worked with youth groups from across the UK, helping young people gain skills and confidence, and inspiring them to achieve their full potential in life. Our highly experienced activity instructors ensure youth groups have an amazing time, getting the most out of the most challenging young people.
We work closely with youth workers to understand the needs of your group and ensure that young people have an inspiring and rewarding time at Lindley.
What might a Lindley experience look like?
- A series of adventurous activity days
- A residential programme
- A challenging 12 month project culminating in a expedition
- Working in partnership with your community
- Building the skills and confidence of youth workers
We are very careful to ensure that the experience works towards your objectives and will have a positive impact.
We understand that youth groups can struggle to fund additional activities. We might be able to help you with your funding applications, designing a programme that works within your budget.
If you are running a long term project with vulnerable young people and can see that a Lindley experience would help make a real difference. The get in touch and ask about our bursary fund.
Planning Youth and Community Projects. Here are some options:
Activity Days
A day of adventurous activity in the great outdoors has lots of positive benefits.
We can work with you over a number of weeks delivering a series of challenging and inspiring activities.
Each week we see young people become more engaged and more comfortable in this new environment.
Residential Programmes
A great and memorable experience for all young people. Sharing a bedroom or tent, eating and socialising together. Is a really positive and powerful experience.
Add in some challenging and inspiring activities, followed by some focused discussions around issues facing young people and there can be some really positive impacts.
Long Term Projects
We regularly work with the same group for 6 months or longer.
Projects vary considerably, but in every case the young people themselves have a lot of input into what they do.
- Decide an objective (eg; a winter mountaineering week in Scotland)
- Raise the funds, through writing bids, supermarket bag packs, cake sales etc.
- Learning skills such as map reading or canoeing, and how to cook for themselves
- Undertake an Expedition
- Celebrate and thank everyone who has supported and helped
- Inspiring other young people
Community Based Work
In today’s society many issues face communities. And as a charity that works with young people, we recognise that when working with deprived and challenged communities, we need to extend our focus and support beyond young people.
This is a particularly exciting and rewarding aspect of our work. Lindley have worked in Ashton, East Manchester for the past 10 years. Working in close partnership with local people and local organisations we have achieved some amazing outcomes.
Currently Lindley run 4 youth clubs in Ashton. We employ local people as youth workers and we are lucky to be supported by some amazing volunteers and local organisations.
“We not only help your youth groups, we actually run youth groups of our own”
We are grateful for the generous support from Active Communities who fund three sports sessions each week and also provide training and mentoring of our local staff in Ashton.
The Rank Foundation support our project in Ashton providing some funding which enables us to work with the most difficult to reach young people and with the wider community.
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