Colleges and Universities
We work with Colleges and Universities providing an experiential learning element to supplement academic study. These custom designed programmes with practical outdoor tasks put theory into practice.
Learning and development takes place in a safe environment where people can develop teamwork skills, try different leadership styles, learn to plan complex tasks in a safe environment where trial and error is encouraged and ‘mistakes’ have limited consequences.
We also support university recruitment teams to provide outdoor experiences as a means of providing an insight to your university’s culture and values whilst meeting new people in an exciting context.
Our programmes use reflective practice to identify learning. Throughout the programme, reviewing and implementing learning is a key feature.
Working with you we develop detailed bespoke programmes (such as this university example)
Programme design includes:
- Specific learning objectives and outcomes.
- Working to specific competencies
- Integrating in to a programme of study
- Forming a set element of a degree or diploma
- Post programme assessment.
Or, if you are simply looking for a fun adventurous activity day we can do that too!
Keeping You Up To Date
Christmas Market 2024
OUR CHRISTMAS MARKET IS BACK AGAIN! Come and join us on Saturday 7th December 2024 for a wonderful day of [...]
Team Building Part 2
Team Building Part 2 - What is it for?  Picking up on my previous post’s reflections on ‘why bother [...]
Team Building – Why Bother?
Teambuilding - why bother?  In 2021 YouGov conducted a survey into employee thoughts on teambuilding exercises. The findings were [...]
Summer 2024 Activity Days at the Hollowford Centre
We are pleased to confirm that we will be running activity days for 12 - 15 year olds at the [...]